
The internet is a fantastic place overflowing with knowledge, games and communities of people and the pupils here at Higher Openshaw spend a great deal of time using the internet within school and at home. This is why it is important our pupils learn how to be safe when browsing online.

The children here learn about E-Safety through taught lessons as part of our Computing Curriculum and discussions with adults and peers. We also encourage parents/carers to talk to their children about how to remain aware when online, to ensure pupils remain safe when browsing in their own time.

The following website offers parents and carers some fantastic advice on how to make the Internet a safe environment for children in the home.

We also have a digital leaders group that runs every half term to talk all things online!

The website contains clear guidance for e-safety so please click the links and read with your children. There are seperate sites for KS1 and KS2.


Our school runs e-safety days for all the pupils at several times throughout the year. We operate a rigorous acceptable use policy that all the children sign up for and adhere to. Our school take a zero tolerance approach to cases of online abuse and online bullying. Depending on the severity of the case it can lead to an immedaite suspension from school. 


NSPCC Net Aware website.

Information about popular games and websites including their age restrictions and content.


Clcik on the enclosed images for online safety guides and tip